Friday, June 1, 2012

CHAPTER SIX: Conclussion Short vs long vowels sounds (English and Spanish)

There are a lot of differences between vowel sounds in English and in Spanish. First, in Spanish we only have five vowel sounds (a, e, i, o and u), but in English we find five long vowel sounds and eight short vowels. therefore the native spanish learnes has problems to recognice and differenciate this sounds.

CHAPTER FIVE: The Plossives

 The plossives or stops  are sounds that are made by blocking the flow air as it leaves the mouth and then releasing it in an explosion. The sound that are consider plossives are /b/ /p/ /k/ /b/ /d/ /t/ /g/. These consonats, at the same time, have different places of articulation that we can analize now:
 /b/ /p/ are bilabials
/d/ /t/ are  alveolar
/k/ /g/ are velar
     In this way they could be voiced and voiceless. Then,  /p/ /t/ /k/ are are voiceless and /b/ /d/ /g/  are voiced.
     Finally,  we have the /?/ called  glotal that will be explained in the next link:

CHAPTER 3.2: Dipthongs and Tripthongs

Dipthong.-  It is consider as vowel sound that starts near the articulation position, for one vowel and toward the position for another. Furthermore, a dipthong is a combination of two vowel that make a sound  which glide between the two, but in speech this sounds like a one. The next picture shows how the dipthongs are produced.

Tripthongs.-  These kind of sound are consider as the most dificults to recognize because a tripthong is formend by three vowels for example:
    layer = 

CHAPTER 3: Long vowels

      One of the most important characteristics of long vowels is that these are more longer than the short vowels are, but it is important to know that  every sound in context  could variate. The symbols also are different from the short vowels, and there are five english long vowels. In the following figure we can see the 5 long vowels and their possition when these are pronounced.

       A clear example of this could be the difference between  two words that a simple point of view has the same pronunciation

  1.  flu => /fluː/            long vowel sound
  2. duck  => /dʌk/         short vowel sound   
-we can notice through transcription the difference.


Thursday, May 31, 2012

The production of the speech sound

"From the linguistic phonetic point of view, the production of speech is regarded as a superposition of initiation, phonation, articulation and prosodic organization processes" (Laver, 1994:116)
Laver did reference that the act of speech is is a very organized process where many parts   of linguistic are involved. Futhermore, the production of the different sounds are in charge of the follow articulators.

These organs help humans to speak. 
As we know, there are  lot of terms of phonetic, but  the most important to Know is that how the the las organs help in speech. In order to understand better, we are going to see the next videoabout. movements during speech.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012


  "The inculcation of the incomprehensible into the ignorant by the incompetent"

Josiah Charles Stamp 

    The importance if phonology teaching it is a goal that every teacher has to achieve. Nowadays, it is not enough to know grammar, have good read comprehension or write well; today the production of each sound it is a important key to succeed in learning English  process. into this learning is important to analyze the aspects of pronunciation, phonetics, phonemics, accents and the different dialects of English speakers. Finally, it is significant to take in count that the method is another  fundamental part in phonology.