Friday, June 1, 2012

CHAPTER FIVE: The Plossives

 The plossives or stops  are sounds that are made by blocking the flow air as it leaves the mouth and then releasing it in an explosion. The sound that are consider plossives are /b/ /p/ /k/ /b/ /d/ /t/ /g/. These consonats, at the same time, have different places of articulation that we can analize now:
 /b/ /p/ are bilabials
/d/ /t/ are  alveolar
/k/ /g/ are velar
     In this way they could be voiced and voiceless. Then,  /p/ /t/ /k/ are are voiceless and /b/ /d/ /g/  are voiced.
     Finally,  we have the /?/ called  glotal that will be explained in the next link:

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